Monday, June 9, 2014

Well, It Happened!!

For all the naysayers who tried to tell me my youngest son would never (or could never) self wean off of the breast..

 To all the onlookers who gawked while my tall two year old nursed discreetly in public.. 

To all the well meaning (albeit frustrating) "advice givers" who said I needed to cut him off before it was "too late"..

To all the disapproving glances I received from grandparents when my son would ask for his beloved "Milky" in the park..

And to the DOCTOR, (yes I said DOCTOR) who told me I was spoiling my child by responding to his needs and following his lead on a matter that was so    personal and near to our hearts. 
(Needless to say she is no longer my physician, ahem..)

Well.... He did it!
Today was the first day since his birth in January 2012 that he did not nurse at all. He didn't ask for it this morning, or in bed tonight to fall asleep. He just didn't need it anymore.. I'm okay with that. I'm okay because I feel so fortunate to have been able to nourish his mind body and spirit in this wonderful way for as long as needed.

I'm also so proud of him for learning to listen to his own needs and express them, as well as knowing when he is ready to move on to the next milestone, the next adventure in his life. 

It seems only fitting that he do this today, on my dad's birthday. His namesake, the first man in my life whom Nathaniel Justin is named after. He reminds me a lot of my father. His wild and free spirit, only matched by his agility and athleticism. His unspeakable charm that makes grown men swoon, or his captivating smile that can warm any heart. 
I'm only grateful he didn't inherit my fathers two left feet, although he is stuck with the "Iglesias legs". I'm grateful for the short time I was able to share with him, and I look forward to watching parts of him unfold in my children.

Lots of big exciting changes around here, as the boys grow more and more independent. I sit back often ( okay maybe I don't sit at all with two boys) and just enjoy the wonder that is life, and how it always comes full circle..

Happy Birthday Dad, We Miss you..💞 

Essentially yours,


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